Usually, people always do the running shoes compared before they buy or looking for a new running shoes. They compare about design, quality, brands, price, etc. But, there is important thing that people should consider about, is about the running mechanics. Probably, not many people concern about this matter. So, what are the running mechanics types that we should imply when do the running shoes compared? Some experts said that commonly there are three types of running mechanics :
1. High Arch and Under-pronation foot mechanics
2. Medium Arch and normal pronation foot mechanics
3. Low Arch and Over-pronation foot mechanics So, how to determine the type of foot arch? Let’s check this video out :
If you are running with a high arch height, you must be part of the group of an under-pronator foot, which really means that your foot rolls slightly to the inside or even to the outside. Let’s see the explanation of this category :
So now, you know what the type of your running mechanics, the next stage is to search what are the most suitable shoes for your foot. Search the information from several brands. Don’t hesitate to try the shoe and asking to the outlet persons what type that you need. After you have enough information of those shoes do the running shoes compared, and find the best running for you!
1. High Arch and Under-pronation foot mechanics
2. Medium Arch and normal pronation foot mechanics
3. Low Arch and Over-pronation foot mechanics So, how to determine the type of foot arch? Let’s check this video out :
Video Source: Youtube
The running mechanics types come from the combination of two things. The height of your arch of foot, and what your foot does when you are running as it step the ground and absorbs shock. For each type of foot, type of pronation and its arch, there is different type of shoe. Whenever you are running with a low arch height, you are basically grouped into the type of being an over-pronator, which means that your foot rolls excessively to the inside. Let’s see explanation this type in this video :
Video Source: Youtube
If you are running with a medium arch height, you are basically grouped into the type of a normal pronator, It is means that your foot rolls mildly to the inside. Here is a video to explain normal pronation :
Video Source: Youtube
For you who have this type of foot, remember that when you do running shoes compared, make sure that you compare the shoes for normal pronation which is stability category of running shoes.If you are running with a high arch height, you must be part of the group of an under-pronator foot, which really means that your foot rolls slightly to the inside or even to the outside. Let’s see the explanation of this category :
Video Source: Youtube
For this type of foot, you have to remember that when do the running shoes compared, make sure that youto compare the shoes for under pronation which is neutral shoes category.So now, you know what the type of your running mechanics, the next stage is to search what are the most suitable shoes for your foot. Search the information from several brands. Don’t hesitate to try the shoe and asking to the outlet persons what type that you need. After you have enough information of those shoes do the running shoes compared, and find the best running for you!
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